What is the Human Design System?

Human Design is a logical, mechanical system that reveals the operating manual of your unique genetic design. An exquisite synthesis of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, Quantum Physics, Biogenetics, Geometry, and more, the Human Design System offers the potential of an experiment in awareness that allows a person to begin living the life they were meant to live, instead of the one conditioned society has taught us to live.

It reveals who a person truly is and more importantly: who they are not. It gives a person strategies for radical self-alignment via the mechanics of their specific design, allowing them to experience life with more fluidity and synchronicity and with less resistance.

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation. It reveals each person’s unique imprint, the differentiated way each person is designed to operate in their life, how different and unique each person is. It can be simply described as a guide for correct decision-making, for trusting oneself, for navigating one’s life in alignment with their own nature.

What Human Design is NOT

Human Design is not a belief system. Skepticism is encouraged!

It is a logical, mechanical system. The mechanics reveal what they reveal.

It’s about experimentation, trying it for ourselves and discovering what the experience brings.

This is YOUR experiment.

If it’s correct for you, this is your invitation to try it, see what happens, collect the data, and see what patterns emerge for you.


Hi, I’m Leisha.

I have the design of 1/3 Splenic Projector with one channel, 16-48 the Channel of the Wavelength, a design of Talent.

I have always been a “seeker,” wanting to know what’s at the core of things, digging into many systems and modalities and experimenting with all of it - always wanting to know more, hear other perspectives, find tools and awareness to help me understand others and myself.

Before Human Design, I worked deeply with many systems and awareness modalities: shadow work, self-awareness practices, yoga, therapy, mindfulness work, exercise, conferences, books, programs, meditation, gratitude practice, every way of eating you can name, superfoods, supplements, herbs. But something was still missing. Something at the core. I could feel it. In my being, in my health, in my body, in my life.

Then Human Design came to me, and I knew I finally found the core thing - the foundation I was looking for, the thing that answers every question I have ever had. What was underneath everything: my health, relationships, life experiences, the collective experience… the micro to the macro.

I have found relief and relaxation into life, into MYSELF. Into being myself. And not wanting to be anything more or less than exactly that.

Living as One’s True Self

When a person lives as their true self, they experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who they ARE, instead of trying to be who they are not. They align to their true nature and reduce resistance in their body & their life.

And they’re able to live out their true purpose in the world:

To be magical, unique, and differentiated.

To live out one’s true nature. Nothing more, nothing less.

And to enjoy the ride.