Are you ready to understand? Is it the time to elevate? Do you want to strengthen the foundation? Let's do this.

Are you ready to understand? Is it the time to elevate? Do you want to strengthen the foundation? Let's do this.

At The Awareness Experiment, we exist to create a profound transformation in individuals, groups, and companies.

Our mission is to facilitate a journey of self-discovery and empowerment that leads to both personal and professional fulfillment.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Alignment. Fulfillment. 

Personally. Professionally.  

In your Life. On your Team. In your Relationships. 

(It’s all YOU.)

The Awareness Experiment offers dynamic, intelligent, and enjoyable transformation facilitation for individuals, groups and companies. 

We bridge individual empowerment and leadership & team development using practical, undeniable strategies: 

  • that touch the deeper truths within us

  • that promote us to trust ourselves 

  • that support us in navigating the world as our authentic selves

  • that enable us to work efficiently and cleanly with others to achieve shared results

  • that empower us to live the life that is meant for us - to feel FULFILLED.

You deserve SATISFACTION, SUCCESS, PEACE and SURPRISE. It is your right…

This is the tide that lifts all boats… YOU are the tide that lifts all boats.  

  • Essential keys to your unique operating system

  • Elevation your life, your role, your awareness

  • Discovery of your strategy for making decisions

  • Clarity about your true nature and how to navigate authentically as your true self

  • High-level, customized facilitation for groups - teams, executives, events, courses

  • Elevation of team communication, trust, leadership, and results

  • Discovery of practical tools and strategies to work together efficiently

  • Clarity to move forward as a cohesive team