


  • Awareness Experimenter

  • Facilitator of Change

  • Harmonizer

  • Human Design Investigator

  • Experience Curator

  • Certification Collector

  • Pattern Finder

  • Sharer & Guide

  • Life Enjoyer

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My Human Design Mechanics

1/3 Splenic Projector

16-48 the Channel of the Wavelength, a Design of Talent

  • Strategy: Wait for the Invitation

  • Authority: Splenic

  • Incarnation Cross: RAX of Rulership 4

  • BODY - Indirect Light Determination, Touch Cognition, Markets External Environment

  • MIND - Innocence Motivation, Personal View

My Human Design Studies

As a 1st line (profile 1/3), it has been essential for me to ensure the foundation of my Human Design knowledge and experimentation is solid. For me, that has meant learning from first-generation Human Design teachers who studied directly with Ra or second-generation who have been in their experiment more than 7 years.

Here’s a look at my Human Design studies and experiences.

  • Rave Marathon January 2021: Mary Ann Wininger, Alokinand Diaz, Darshana Mathews, Ruth Brennan, Richard Beaumont, Peter Shöber, Lynda Bunnell, Andrea Reikl-Wolf and more first and second generation Human Design teachers

  • Living Your Design course - Human Design Collective (Amy Lee Siriporn, John Cole)

  • Rave ABCs course - IHDS (Carol Zimmerman)

  • Audit of Rave ABCs course - IHDS-certified teacher (Barbara Ditlow)

  • Rave Cartography - IHDS (Carol Zimmerman)

  • Certified Human Design Analyst - Human Design Austria (Martin Grassinger, Ilse Sendler - who studied and discovered with Ra Uru Hu since 1991)