The Awareness Experiment with Leisha Barnette
Leisha has always been a “seeker” of wisdom, experience, systems to understand herself, others, and the world around her. She has studied vast systems, models and modalities - esoteric and exoteric - and most importantly, has explored, experimented and discovered what works and what doesn’t. And continues to everyday! It all distills down to: it’s an experiment with awareness. That changes EVERYTHING.
Leisha is a Senior Learning Development leader with years of operational and strategic experience, as well as certifications in EverythingDiSC, Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, The Energy Project, Appreciative Inquiry, Change Management, Human Design, Learning Design and more. She is a mother, wife, business owner, and has the unique ability to zoom in to the micro and back out to the macro.
She helps individuals know themselves more, understand their operating system and decision making, and reduce resistance to experience more fulfillment, success, surprise, and peace in all areas of their lives. She is skillful at illuminating patterns in the Personal and Collective Unconscious for people using Human Design, Jungian Psychology, and the principles of Alchemy and the Seven Universal Laws.
She helps leaders, teams and companies optimize people satisfaction, communication, effectiveness, empowerment, collaboration and results at her consulting firm True Change Collective.
She is a masterful facilitator of transformative experiences, a passionate learner and an enthusiastic student of Life!