Human Design Podcasts & Videos

HD Podcast Videos : Leisha with Wise Skies Collective

  • Foundations of Human Design: Aura Type

    HD offers an "experiment" in awareness and radical self-alignment. It reveals how to begin living the life you were meant to live, instead of the one conditioned society has taught you to live. Enjoy the ride for an informational talk on the four aura types!

  • What is a Profile?

    In this interview, Leisha shares about profile types, where they came from, and how to work with them on your experiment.

  • Relationships

    Relationships are an integral part of everyone’s life. Enjoy this episode with Leisha, Tiffany and April of Wise Skies Collective, discussing how you can work with your astrology, human design, and akashic messages for relationship support as clues for understanding your mystery.

  • Decisions, Decisions - and how to make them

    In life, we have a series of decisions—some mundane, some life altering. We’ve been conditioned to “think through” decisions, putting a lot of emphasis on the mind’s ability to sort through what’s in our best interest. But sometimes we hit a wall. The mind gets restless wondering what to do. A decision needs to be made—but how? We hope you enjoy some of the ideas brought forward in this special episode on decision-making.

  • Four Arrows

    The four arrows (variables) at the top of your bodygraph reveal life altering information about your Determination/ Digestion, Environment, Perspective/ View, and motivation. Do you want to learn more about this part of your chart? Check out this interview with Leisha, Tiffany, and April of Wise Skies Collective

  • Hitting Rock Bottom: A Guide to Ultimate Lows

    Have you ever felt…

    Deeply betrayed by a best friend, family member, or lover? Completely out of resources, money, and time? Broken down from a break up?That you’ve hit a dead end with your physical health and even a desire to find a solution?Totally—completely—hopeless?

    Hitting Rock Bottom, or an “ultimate low” is a place of total surrender and total helplessness that creates fertile ground. In this conversation, Leisha, Tiffany and April of Wise Skies Collective talk through symptoms of Rock Bottom and offer ideas for what to do, and what might be happening when you're going through one. We also some of our personal lows, experiences, strengths, and solutions.